¿Que es el Recubrimiento Cerámico?

El recubrimiento cerámico es una capa protectora aplicada sobre la pintura del automóvil que forma una barrera resistente al agua, suciedad, rayos UV y otros contaminantes. Además, proporciona un brillo duradero y facilita la limpieza del vehículo.

"Beneficios del Recubrimiento Cerámico"

  • Protección duradera: Crea una capa resistente a arañazos, manchas y contaminantes.

  • Facilita la limpieza: El agua y la suciedad no se adhieren fácilmente, lo que reduce la necesidad de lavado frecuente.

  • Brillo duradero: Mantiene el aspecto brillante de la pintura durante más tiempo.

  • Protección UV: Evita que los rayos solares dañen o decoloren la pintura.

  • Resistencia al agua: Repele el agua, mejorando la visibilidad y protegiendo la pintura de manchas.

  • Mayor valor de reventa: Ayuda a mantener el aspecto del vehículo y a conservar su valor a lo largo del tiempo.

A man is carefully polishing a black car with a buffer in a garage setting. The focus is on his concentration and the shiny surface of the vehicle. He is seated on a small rolling stool to comfortably reach the side of the car.
A man is carefully polishing a black car with a buffer in a garage setting. The focus is on his concentration and the shiny surface of the vehicle. He is seated on a small rolling stool to comfortably reach the side of the car.
a white porsche car parked in a garage
a white porsche car parked in a garage

Recubrimiento Cerámico

Protección avanzada para tu vehículo, brillo y durabilidad garantizados.

A person is polishing a bright green car with a turquoise cloth. Their hand is visible, showing a tattoo, and they appear to be focused on cleaning the car's headlight area.
A person is polishing a bright green car with a turquoise cloth. Their hand is visible, showing a tattoo, and they appear to be focused on cleaning the car's headlight area.
A person is using a polishing tool on the side of a black car, focusing on applying an even pressure and achieving a smooth finish. The reflection on the car surface shows the surrounding environment.
A person is using a polishing tool on the side of a black car, focusing on applying an even pressure and achieving a smooth finish. The reflection on the car surface shows the surrounding environment.
A close-up view of a car door edge featuring the XPEL logo prominently displayed. The design includes a sleek black surface accented with a bold orange stripe. The background suggests an interior car setting with subtle lighting.
A close-up view of a car door edge featuring the XPEL logo prominently displayed. The design includes a sleek black surface accented with a bold orange stripe. The background suggests an interior car setting with subtle lighting.
A person wearing a uniform and mask is polishing the hood of a luxury black car parked outdoors, with greenery visible in the background.
A person wearing a uniform and mask is polishing the hood of a luxury black car parked outdoors, with greenery visible in the background.

El recubrimiento cerámico de Garage of Emotions transformó completamente mi auto. ¡Brilla como nuevo y la limpieza interior fue excepcional! Recomiendo sus servicios altamente.

Ana García

A close-up of a sleek, polished car body, likely made of carbon fiber or with a glossy finish, reflecting light and surroundings. Orange traffic cones are visible in the background on a paved surface, suggesting a controlled environment like a driving course or a car show.
A close-up of a sleek, polished car body, likely made of carbon fiber or with a glossy finish, reflecting light and surroundings. Orange traffic cones are visible in the background on a paved surface, suggesting a controlled environment like a driving course or a car show.
